Monday 20 June 2011


I think that my work could be alot better with the character design along with tokens as they are so simple. The only reason they are so simple is due to the deadline. Although I do like all the photography that has been done, I am going to make more time for my work in future. I think the ideas I had were brilliant but again, I didn't have enough time to sort this out again. Apart from the deadline, I think I have managed to put this well enough together. Alot of what I have used has been Photoshop, with masks and darkening the characters due to them being hand sketched, I didn't manage to make them dark enough with the pencil so I had to darken them in Photoshop  Overall I think I can do better.

Road Signs

Road signs use alot of methods such as an automatic registering danger sign which are red which stick out more, this is used so it is easy to see and recognize. The stop sign is special, it has its very own shape which helps recognition when covered in snow. All signs with words are in big block capitals which help stand out more. This is used on every sign with writing on them.

Token Screenshots

Now I have added the tokens into the screen shots. Here are the screenshots.

1. Normal Screenshot with tokens.
2. Different angle with tokens.
3. Winning the level and getting awarded a token.


I have made five tokens for the game, here they are, all in their glory.

1. 5 points
2. -5 points
3. Unlock special stuff
4. Health
5. 10 points


I have made screenshots for the games that we have been making, here are some of them.

1. Here is my character walking across the wooden planks on a stage.
2. Here is a different camera angle of my character during gameplay.
3. Here is my character after winning.

Character Design

I have done my character for the game, I thought since i am no good at hand drawing that I keep the design simple. Anyway here are three images that I have done. It is simple and appealing for kids which helps alot.

1. This is a profile view of the character.
2. Here is an action of the character walking.
3. And finally this is a front view of the character.

Monday 6 June 2011

Insect, Animal, Plant

Next task was to draw three close up details of an Insect, an Animal and a Plant.

Emerald Scarab. I find these colours fascinating and the shell is just brilliant, I love the look of these insects.

Wolf. I have always loved wolves and this is a perfect chance to draw one, the fur, the eyes are just brilliant.

Venus Fly Trap: I am not a plant fan but these are just brilliant and unique.